Photographs sell products and services. You need good quality photographs. They will show you at your best and ensure your customers feel a connection with you. There really is no comparison between using stock images and using your own authentic photographs. When you contact Solstice Media Ltd you are taking control of your own imagery and you will be working with professionals. Don’t hesitate to get in touch, Ciara is happy to chat to you.

Purple and heritage potatoes from Ballymakenny Farm.
A supplier of speciality potatoes to restaurants. Maria Flynn has a popular Spud Shack at the farm where they are grown. Famous visitors include Donal Skehan and local chef Conor Halpenny Maria Flynn of Ballymakenny Farm (pictured) in county Louth began growing purple potatoes and heritage potatoes as a hobby. Pictured are some of Maria’s colourful varieties of potatoes. Picture Ciara Wilkinson.
Maria Flynn of Ballymakenny Farm and the Spud Shack is holding a bunch of carrots grown locally. She is standing outside her Spud Shack and the sun is shining.  The photograph was taken by Solstice Media Ltd.
Maria Flynn of Ballymakenny Farm and the Spud Shack is holding a bunch of carrots grown locally. She is standing outside her Spud Shack and the sun is shining. The photographs were taken by Solstice Media Ltd.